Friday, 15 April 2016

Term 1 Open Session

What a wonderful turn out of parents and grandparents to Rm15's Open Session.  We were very proud of the students  who eagerly shared their work, cooked, presented plays and gave robotic demonstrations. 
Thanks boys for  decorating the classroom with beautiful flowers from our garden today.

What an awesome effort by these 'master cooks'.  The cupcakes were a real delight.

These 'master cooks' prepared the scrumptious brownie the day before our Open Session.

The morning was such a hive of activity that no photos were taken to capture the moments. Instead I would like to share photos I took of the classroom after  the students had packed up their work and done their daily jobs.  I hope you are able to feel the sense of pride that the students have for their environment, evident in the way they left their classroom at lunch time.

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  1. Thank you so much for inviting us to such a fabulous morning. It was wonderful to see what has been going on over the term and the baking was absolutely delicious - Mary Berry watch out!! Well done Rm15.

  2. Lovely idea to show the class all tidied and cared for (and now I know what they are capable of...!!) Wonderful to see the boys preparing those flowers - I noticed how beautiful the bunches of them were on the day, and I had no idea the boys had done that.
