Term Three 2016
The Olympic's draw near...
We will be focusing on 'Ko wai'... who is. This builds on from last terms mihi work, and we will be playing games to discover which of our athletes they are describing. We will also look at our own sports interests and be able to state these in te reo. This will also link to some problem solving maths that we have for the Olympics too.A waiata to inspire while you watch the Olympics..
We will continue to build on our love of nga tae, extending this to the 'what is' sentence structure of 'He aha te tae'.... What is the colour....
Building on our 'feelings to to consolidate our 'kei te ' sentences.....looking to have the children create a photo resource of feelings shown by body language as a matching activity. This 'Kei te pehea koe' sentence is the base for basic conversation, as 'kei te' is placing the verb and subject that follow in present tense. We are excited after the MANZ conference with ideas to create our own te reo Māori verb command cards and have the children compare and contrast the structures of the two languages.
We have a new resource to add to the environment to build on our BINGO games of numa, to start asking 'E hia nga..' 'How many...'. This should see number knowledge exceeding past 20 and beyond which should consolidate place value knowledge as the structure of Māori counting is... 10 and 1, "tekau ma tahi' (11) etc ...
Building on our colour knowledge... what colour is... we will be listening to this song and seeing how we can describe the colour of objects around our environment..
Also carrying on from te wiki o te reo Māori we will continue to honour this tāonga as a living language in ruma tekau ma rima by using it to complete our daily planner on the white board... the children have absorbed it all, but just incase you need some translation:
Mahi te wa nei: Work cycle
Tuhituhi : writing
Panui: reading
Pangarau: maths
Toitoi: art
Wharepukapuka: library
Omaoma: cross country
Whakamamatea: tidy up
Maratia: Gardening
Term Two 2016:
Nga Tae
The colours:
Term two has seen an explosion of te reo Māori and tikanga Māori learning in ruma tekau ma rima. We have begun our Wednesday afternoon te reo Māori block which has seen a vast array of learning; including te numa with bingo, mapping our place names, visual mihi work and learning some animal names. Children have followed their own interests and have incorporated the Montessori materials to supplement this learning. Without a doubt the trip to Te Hana Marae was a highlight and required preparation of waiata and was followed up with inspired art and thank you cards. Tutiro Mai nga iwi is the song that has been learnt as kapa haka by ruma tekau ma rima, with thanks to our tuakana - Ka pai o koutou mahi.A favourite this term has been our coloured ribbons. We have built on our learning from Totara Hill and revised our colours. Using our ribbons when listening to Ma is white. In this song blue is Kikorangi... but the correct reo for this area, and that which the children have learnt is 'Kahurangi'.
To build on our greeting the children are now responding to 'Kei te pehea koe' with and answer... usually "Kei te pai'. After our successful Māori language week we have banned the use of the verb 'pai'...... watch this space!
Term One 2016:
Kei te pehea koe? ...
How are you?
Our focus for term one was laying the foundation for relationships to grow, by acknowledging each other in our common language, that of te reo māori. Speaking this tongue, we (both parties of the conversation) are learners, children of Aotearoa. This simple sentence can be learnt with correct pronounciation by listening to the first song on the following link, Waiata mai, which is a wonderful resource for learning by waiata.
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