Saturday, 28 February 2015

Best Fit Books


Do you ever wonder if your child is reading the right book?  

If so, then take a moment to check out the following links.  
The 'BestFitBooks' link will take you to an interesting article while the 'PICK' link is for a short YouTube clip.



Check out this amazing blog with your child(ren).  Not only is it AWESOME but they are a local family.  Riley is a student at Mahurangi College.

Below is some information I found on their website:

With a uniquely NZ focus, Young Ocean Explorers aims to get kids the world over enthused about the beauty and diversity of our marine life.
In Young Ocean Explorers, Steve and his daughter Riley present a captivating series of stories about what happens when a teenager comes face to face with the marine animals we’re all curious about, such as stingrays, orca, and turtles. Thanks to a well-connected Dad there is an expert on hand to answer questions and make the experience extra-special: if you’re going to go orca-spotting, why not take along the world's orca expert, Dr Ingrid Visser?
It’s a winning combination: Riley’s got the questions and the teenage-cred, and Steve’s got the boat and underwater know-how. Together, they take us on a journey that has never been previously imagined: a fun, accessible glimpse into the world of New Zealand’s incredible underwater species.
Young Ocean Explorers actually came about through Riley's school project! She produced, well…..actually  "we" produced!! an interview with a turtle expert about the issue of sea turtles eating plastic. Using my underwater footage cut together with her interview, everyone at her school loved it!
Seeing the response of so many kids, my mind started reeling with what a powerful tool this could be to inspire them about the magnificence of the underwater world and to get them emotionally engaged with it
I asked Riley, "Would you like to make more of these videos?" She replied enthusiastically "YES!”, Instantly firing back “We could do.… Sharks, Orca, Maui's dolphins…" and Young Ocean Explorers was born!
Since then it's been an incredible journey for my wife Jo and our family. To cut a long story short, we received some funding from a ‘Dragons Den’ type contest, where I pitched the Young Ocean Explorers idea and won, and also the Environmental Initiative Fund from the Auckland City Council as well as self-funding to produce the 10 episodes.

T.H.I.N.K Before U Speak

Did you ever hear these words when you were growing up?  I did!  
I use this acronym when I talk to my own children and Rm15 students when they need to be mindful of the words they use when speaking to others.  
Are the words we are about to say....
If not then perhaps we shouldn't be saying them...

Friday, 27 February 2015

Rm15's Kitchen Celebration Preparations

Today we discussed the importance of being grateful and showing appreciation towards others that do things for us.  All the students put in a great effort to make either invitations or thank you cards in preparation for our afternoon tea celebration of our new kitchen.

The younger students enjoy working beside older students. 

Montessori emphasised the importance of 'Following the Child'. 

Conflict Resolution

Today two of the older students supported a couple of our younger students to resolve a conflict peacefully.  The 'issue' that arose was sorted without an adult's input.

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Picture books DO Boost Literacy

Recently a parent added an interesting comment in response to the post I added on reading 'Read4Success'. In case some of you didn't see it, here is a link to the article which looks at the importance of reading picture books to your child(ren).

Project Work in Nikau

Each term the Nikau students are expected to do a research project.  I have conferenced with most of the students and guided their planning which has lead to some really interesting questions that they are wanting to answer.  All students are expected to present their projects.  They are expected to research in books prior to checking the internet for further information.

Mammals research.
Timeline of cars.  
Timeline of Life story recently shared with the class sparked interest in finding our about early humans and the different Ice Ages.

Volcano research.  
Solar System research.

Spontaneous Music in the Classroom

Thursday, 19 February 2015

The Work Cycle (Nikau)

Long Multiplication on the Checkerboard.  Look what happens when the children are left to make up their own problem!

Everyone listening intently to the instructions for their Third Robotics Mission.

Mind Map work prior to writing.

The Work Cycle in action.


Solving long multiplication problems using the Flat Bead Frame.

The Checkerboard is used to support the students understanding of long multiplication .

Read 4 Success

I would like to share a fabulous website called Read4Success.   While living in Canberra I attended an amazing workshop run by Kaye Lowe.  If you would like to know some strategies to help support your child with reading (that really work) then check out the link.
I recommend checking out the videos tab if you would like to see the reading strategies in action.

Our Class 2015

Welcome to Rm15